Algorand to Solana

Algorand to Solana Bridging Process

1.1 Select Network & Asset

Select Algorand chain in "Choose Chain" section:

1.2 Connect Wallet

Choose a wallet to connect it to the Bridge (you may connect Pera Wallet, DeFly or Exodus) and click the preferred icon:

1.3 Example for Pera Wallet (Web): Fill in your password and press the “Connect” button or click on "Connect with Pera Mobile" if you want to use Pera Mobile wallet app:

1.4 Choose ALGO token by click on it:

1.5 Confirm the chain and connect your Solana wallet:

1.6 Confirm the asset for your bridging (right now the only option is xALGO in Solana):

1.7 Input Amount

Select the amount of assets you want to bridge:

1.8 Review and Confirm Request

Confirm the bridging by pressing "BRIDGE" button:

1.9 Sign the transaction in your Algorand wallet and wait a bit to complete the bridging (usually it takes around 20 seconds) :

1.10 Bridging Completed

Congratulations! Your bridging has been successfully completed!

1.11 Transaction tab on the bottom reads your wallet and will tell you the status of all of your transactions.

1.14 Now that you have successfully bridged, use the Trade Tab in User Interface to direct your asset to our partner protocols for trading:

Last updated